Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Exit Splash Review

Dave Guindon, one of the foremost software designers in the industry that have designed such products like CamStudio Pro has done it again! Now, he has brought you Exit Splash. Exit Splash is awesome if you have any kind of blog, or a webpage, or even a website because with Exit Splash you can have access to Internet traffic that is usually thrown away for free and in an instant have new subscribers, more commissions, and added sales of your product or even your affiliate products. If you don’t see an improvement like advanced sales, more subscribers, and etc. you will receive your money back!

You can learn how this advanced script and in an instant increase your sales and capture fresh leads for any website, web page, or blog using proven exit technology!
If you are an Internet marketer you are probably looking for the best possible solution to increase the traffic flow to your website, web page, or blog. Well, Exit Splash offers simple solutions. Exit Splash is a web tool that is simple and easy to use. It is not complex and intricate like other web tools that you may have brought before. Exit Splash is easy and different most of those web tools don’t advance your profits. This is Dave Guindon’s easiest and simplest product ever!
If you are not using Exit Splash you will not have access to the income stream that is hidden on your website you are just letting it go to waste because you don’t have the right tools to access them. You are possibly missing out on ninety five percent of visitors to your site who are not partaking in any part of the website. Exit Splash applies to many different types of websites like sales pages, Ecommerce sites, landing pages, squeeze pages, and content sites. With Exit Splash you will be able to capture most of the visitors who leave your site with taking any action by using a simple technique.

Learn how to get paid to review products online at: http://tinyurl.com//type4cashnow

It is very frustrating to lose all of the traffic that you work so hard to generate for your site! Now Exit Splash offers a simple solution to stop letting your visitors leave your site without really benefiting from the information. You can start using Exit Splash today and start saving your exit traffic and convert it into more sales and subscribers.

Many other website tools are so extremely complex to use because they require such steps as creating an SQL database and add user permissions, you have to customize templates, then you have to edit the configuration files, build your links, you have to set up the backend and login to the administration panel and configure all the options, add your opt in form and follow more instructions, and after that doing all of that you still see no profit nor benefit from the tool. Some websites are so extensive and complicated that most of these programs are really not worth the time and effort.

Get Exit Splash today at: http://www.exitsplash.com/

Now thanks to Exit Splash which is an exit page software there is a new income generating web tool that is profit bearing and simple to use. All you have to do is plug in the Exit Splash program into your website and then instantly generate more sales and more subscribers. This is the quickest and easiest way for an owner of any kind of website just by adding this little script to their website.

An Exit splash page is a special web page that your visitor is taken to as an alternative to leaving your site. Exiting visitors are forced to see your message and then many will continue on to your Exit Splash page. Some will still try to leave anyway but that is okay because your Exit Splash page converts web traffic that would normally be wasted into more sales and more subscribers!
The reason why so many visitors are leaving your site is because you only have a few seconds to capture their attention and if you do not then they will leave your site possibly forever! The Exit splash program gives you the opportunity to open a new channel or communication with them to capture their attention and turn that potentially wasted visitor into a lead or a sale. Plus, the initial pop up is not blocked by pop up blockers because it is not actually a pop up at all nor is it a pop over.

Get Exit Splash today at: http://www.exitsplash.com/

Exit splash is a special dialogue box that is built into virtually all browser software it is a part of the actual Internet protocol.
Those grey boxes that always happen to pop up on your computer if a program gets an error or malfunctions is the exact kind of box this is. Basically, your visitors can not ignore it, and they have to click it to continue on.
Dave Guindon’s script allows you to put your message on that box, and your visitors are forced to view it. They must decide whether to stay on your site, or continue to leave which basically means it also forces them to take an action!

Get Exit Splash today at: http://www.exitsplash.com/

This simple small action can actually make them more likely to buy from you. It's known that small actions and commitments in the sales process often lead to a bigger action like getting a new subscriber or even making a sale!
With Exit Splash there is no database, no programming, no responses to write all you do is simply upload it and put it to use!
Almost all other scripts take a lot more work to install and implement. One small example would be the fact that with other exit pop type of scripts you have to manually disable the exit pop on all of your order links, opt in buttons, and etc. But with Exit Splash there is no need to do any of that! All you have to do is select a few options on the code generator and then copy and paste your code into the website! Simple and easy to use!

Get Exit Splash today at: http://www.exitsplash.com/

Here are three incredible features on Exit Splash to increase the click-through rate and keep more visitors on your site:
• The impact alert message. The optional additional "alert" message. This message will pop up FIRST and provide a customizable message to your visitor to instruct them about how to click the next message to stay on your site. This helps ensure that they understand which button to click to make sure they stay instead of leaving, and eliminates the problem of them clicking away without reading your message.
• The impact image. The Exit Splash program to display an optional image above the splash box, along with a customizable background color. It gives your visitor a visual representation of where to click so they know how to stay on your site.
• The impact audio. You may choose to play an audio message when the splash pop-up appears. The audio instructs them what to do. It tells them how to stay on the site so they can get a discount, a free gift, or whatever your Exit Splash page is offering. Some people tend to not read things very well, so if you've got someone talking to them while they read it, it will greatly increase your chance of getting their attention and directing them to take the desired action.

Get Exit Splash today at: http://www.exitsplash.com/

By using these high impact features found nowhere else, you can virtually reach out and get your exiting visitors and cause them to have an instant change of heart! You can send them to ANY web address, which means you have complete flexibility and an unlimited number of possibilities at your fingertips.

Get Exit Splash today at: http://www.exitsplash.com/

Here are MANY ways you can use your Exit Splash pages like:

• On a sales page like when the box pops up, you can display a message telling your exiting visitors about a special discount. All they need to do is click the button and they will be taken to your Exit Splash page which might contain a brief summary of your offer and a discounted order link.

• As an alternative to the above strategy, you could send them directly to the order link. This would mainly be useful if your primary sales objection was that your exiting traffic felt that your initial price was too high. Why not send them directly into the shopping cart at a price they can't refuse?

• If you're getting a high "bounce rate" on your site you might use the Exit Splash program to simply slow them down and send them back to the same sales page. Perhaps they are leaving your site before getting to the best part of the offer. Your pop-up can quickly tell them what they're missing out on, and give them the opportunity to return to the page for more information.

Get Exit Splash today at: http://www.exitsplash.com/

Instead of a discounted offer for your product, you could send your exiting visitors to a special "One Time Offer" on your Exit Splash page. One time offers have been proven to be a great way to add extra cash to your online business. It's also a great way to utilize Resale Rights or PLR material that you may have purchase.

Suppose you have multiple websites (it could be a few, or it could be hundreds). You could install separate targeted Exit Splash pages on each of them, OR you could simply set up ONE Exit Splash page and use it for all your sites. This could work especially well for something like an OTO like I just described above. You could set up one great offer, and use it as an extra income stream to monetize your exit traffic on all your sites.
If you're selling a membership you could use your Exit Splash page to offer a free or low-cost trial. Rather than seeing those visitors disappear forever, you might as well try to get them into your membership.

A "free plus shipping" offer could work great for the above membership site strategy. By offering something for free, you can really get peoples' attention and get them to look at the offer on your Exit Splash. If you don't have an offer of your own, there are plenty of "free plus shipping" offers that you can promote as an affiliate and earn commissions for giving away memberships. Most of the major affiliate and CPA networks offer those kinds of promotions.

Get Exit Splash today at: http://www.exitsplash.com/

If you're using a long copy sales letter or a long video on your site, you can utilize your Exit Splash to provide a "reader's digest" version of it. Some people have the attention span of a housefly, and they simply won't buy from a long sales page (or opt into a long squeeze page). So you need to give them ALL your information in a few easy points that they can skim. You don't want to do that on your sales page, but you can do it on your Exit Splash page and make extra sales that would have been lost.

If you're using a video sales letter, you can use your Exit Splash to give them the option of viewing a written version of your sales letter. Many video sales pages do not contain any written copy these days, because we want the visitor to be focused solely on the video. But that won't appeal to everyone, and not everyone will sit through a 30 minute video to find out the price of your product. This is a great way to capture those people!

Get Exit Splash today at: http://www.exitsplash.com/

You can use your Exit Splash page to increase the opt-in rate of your squeeze page. Unless you're converting 100% of your visitors into subscribers, you're wasting traffic. By utilizing an Exit Splash page, you can capture a greater percentage of your visitors. You might offer an extra bonus in your Exit Splash. Or you might offer an alternative page: If your squeeze page is short, you could offer more details. If your squeeze page is long, you could offer an abbreviated version. The bottom line is you'll be getting more subscribers from your existing opt-in page, without any additional traffic!

Get Exit Splash today at: http://www.exitsplash.com/

Another way to maximize your squeeze page would be to use the Exit Splash to bypass the opt-in process. There are some folks who just won't opt into anything, and that's OK, but you can still profit from those visitors. If they're going to leave your site anyway, why not give them the option to bypass the squeeze page and go directly to your sales page or other offer.
Order Exit Splash today for only $67 and receive Exit Splash including over $750 dollars worth of bonuses included! Hurry and purchase now the Exit Splash package is only available for a limited time!

Get Exit Splash today at: http://www.exitsplash.com/

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